

Friday, October 31, 2014

Indie Day 25 - So You Know That Thing I Said I'd Do?

magic. i made magic.

that blue bar represents mana, it recharges over time due to this code in the step event.

if (mana < maxmana){
if instance_number (obj_magic_missile) = 0 {

and you can only fire off one bolt every quarter of a second or so, due to this code, also in a step event.

if (magictimer > 0)
magictimer = magictimer-1;

if (magictimer < 0)
magictimer = 0;

and that works in conjunction with the code that actually creates the magic instance, in a global left mouse button event.

if weaponnumber = (2){
if (mana > 19){
if magictimer = 0{ 
instance_create (x,y, obj_magic_missile){
mana = mana-75
magictimer = 15;

that weaponnumber variable is basically a scale in which i can set 10 settings to, any more and i run out of number buttons.

all of this makes a little purple thing go pew pew.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Indie Day 24 - Too Spoopy p.t. 2

ghosts are in, and they're the hardest enemy in the game so far.

not only do they have the most health, but because they chase you, making it hard for you to hit them. so next i need a way to easily dispatch them. i'm thinking i put in a new weapon, magic.

things i need for the magic; 
hotkeys that will swap between using sword and magic
some sort of graphic displaying what weapon is being used
a way for the magic to follow the mouse until the button is released.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Indie Day 23 - Too Spoopy

ghosts should be in this game, and so in this game they shall be.

here's their code,

move_towards_point(obj_protagonist.x, obj_protagonist.y, 7)

no path, they just move towards you.

look at how terrifying that, poorly drawn ghost sprite is.

soon they'll have life, and will damage you as well, and maybe have an aggro range, meaning they will only follow you if you are in a certain radius from them. (also, better sprites.)

Indie Day 22.5 - Found an Awesome Animation That I Want to Share

it's pretty awesome, and may inspire some later boss designs.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Indie Day 22 - Slimey Bones

alright i got them all of the creatures to move differently and out of sync.

so yea, that's cool. i have the code for these things to happen as well.

path_start (pathdumber, 1, 3, false);
path_position = random(1);

for the skeletons.
because of the 3 in that variable slot in the code, the skeletons will reverse their paths once they're done.

path_start (pathdumb, 1, 2, false);
path_position = random(1);

for the slimes.
because of the 2 in that variable slot in the code, the slimes will continue on the path from where they finish.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Indie Day 21 - Random Squiggles Make Enemies Move

this path is for skeletons.

this path is for slimes.

since all slimes and all skeletons move the same, they all look very creepy and unnerving, which is not the desired effect, yet, so next i'll be working on some randomness so they can start somewhere random on their path.

Indie Day 20 - Most of My Creative Energy is Spent Trying to Come Up With Witty or Amusing Titles for My Posts

working on a system where enemies attach you now, enemy ai. so far, all i have is a little grassy arena.

the next thing i'll do is some pathing. i plan on having one path for skeletons, another for slimes.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Indie Day 19 - Wow, It's Almost 3D

in four screen caps, here are some examples of depth, and the new slime enemy.

the slime's code is the same as the skeleton's, for now.

the depth code is:

///depth code
depth = -y;

which just means that the depth level is the same as the y position.

(also, thank you to Justin for the tree.)

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Indie Day 18 - I'll Probably Have to Re-Do my Walksprites, They Look Poor-Quality

but on the other hand, the character now takes damage, and all the skeleton health bars are independent of each other. and they die. and when you die the room restarts.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Indie Day 17 - I Want To Blow my Head Off and I Love It

wow things are getting frustrating, but look at what i've done.
the wall collisions match the perspective, you can walk in front of walls but not through them.

and health bars, independent of each other.


draw_healthbar(x - 50, y - 100, x + 50, y - 120, hp/maxhp * 100, c_black, c_red, c_green, 0, true, true);

everything hurts and life is beautiful.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Indie Day 16 - Strip Your Flesh, Enlist In The Skeleton Army Today!

an alternate title would be something about skeletons in the closet, but i think i like the current title better.

look at the little guy.

i've just got the sprite made so far, but by next update he, along with the character, will have health bars.

Indie Day 15 - I Can Swing my Sword

 this pretty piece of code 

if instance_number(obj_sword_down)=0{
if instance_number (obj_sword_up)=0{
if instance_number (obj_sword_left)=0{
if instance_number (obj_sword_right)=0{

if (sprite_index = spt_protag_front_idle) {instance_create (x,y,obj_sword_down)}

if (sprite_index = spt_protag_moving_front) {instance_create (x,y,obj_sword_down)}

if (sprite_index = spt_protag_back_idle) {instance_create (x,y,obj_sword_up)}

if (sprite_index = spt_protag_moving_back) {instance_create (x,y,obj_sword_up)}

if (sprite_index = spt_protag_right_idle) {instance_create (x,y,obj_sword_right)}

if (sprite_index = spt_protag_moving_right) {instance_create (x,y,obj_sword_right)}

if (sprite_index = spt_protag_left_idle) {instance_create (x,y,obj_sword_left)}

if (sprite_index = spt_protag_moving_left) {instance_create (x,y,obj_sword_left)}

is what makes my sword swing dependent on which way my character is facing, and only if they aren't already swinging the sword.

if they're facing left, they swing left, and it's the same for every direction.

the swords are coded so that after they finish their swinging animation, they delete themselves.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Indie Day 14 - So Today Things Got a Lot Harder

my last project i worked primarily with drag and drop programming, but for this project i've started working with gml code, like this piece of collision code that goes in a step event 

///friction code///
if (speed > 8) speed = 8;

///collision code///
if hspeed!=0
if !place_free(x+hspeed,y)
    if hspeed>0 move_contact_solid(0,hspeed)
    if hspeed<0 move_contact_solid(180,-hspeed)

if vspeed!=0
if !place_free(x+hspeed,y+vspeed)
    if vspeed>0 move_contact_solid(270,vspeed)
    if vspeed<0 move_contact_solid(90,-vspeed)

so yea, that's fun.

my other codes for directional movement

it's going good.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Indie Day 13 - Mr. Brightside At Gravity Falls, a mashup with 'The Killers' and the gravity falls theme song is a good mashup

I made some sprites.

the sprites are animated.

idle ones just bounce up and down a little bit, like they're breathing.

moving sprites have a walking animation.

they're set to run at a nice-looking speed at 60fps.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Indie Day 12 - The Great Collaboration

with project 1, platformer completed, it's time for project 2 to commence, and we're going big.

our goals, our being my friends Justin and David, are as follows:

at least 15 story missions

at least 30 side quests

character animation

functional combat

functional enemy ai

at least 17 bosses

a relatively open world

volume control

save/load functionality

different weapons/spells

an inventory screen

basically, a functional rpg game

goals will expand when completed.


we will still be individually updating on our own blogs.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Indie Day 10 - A Surprising Turn of Events

Okay so i has having issues with making the boss look good so...

BOOM, giant eye.

when it get's down to roughly 30% health, it speeds up its movement and shoots projectiles at a faster speed.

and when it dies, the door is opened.

and when you go in the door,

that's the end of the game.

and so now i'll be working on audio, making it sound good, and then i'll be pretty much done.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Indie Day 9 - Finishing Up, Starting to Finish Up At Least, I Mean This Could Go On For a Bit Longer if the Boss Keeps on Being This Difficult to Program

i gave this guy a path, so he moves back and forth across that small platform.

he doesn't just float off, he used to do that, but he doesn't anymore.

my next idea is for him to toss down needles at the player, cause he's all spiky.

the needles are proving to be the most difficult part.

i'll also have to give him some form of health bar.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Indie Day 7 - And Then a Whole Bunch of Stuff Happened

okay wow i may have gotten a little ahead of myself.
first things first; start screen, with moving clouds.

a (kill-able) spider enemy

a way to kill the spider (magic)

and a brand new level!! (with doors that take you to the next level)

and all of it works and it's awesome!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Indie Day 6 - Getting the Moths Out of the Machine

so i had a problem when occasionally when colliding with a wall, when the character's sprite would change, it would also get stuck in the, and so the object's collision detection mask would over-lap with the wall's detection mask, and so the player object would just not be able to move. 

i had it set so that when a future collision is detected, the player object moves as close to the colliding object in question as possible, and the (in this case hspeed) speed would be set from whatever it was before, to 0. now i have it change to hspeed*0, which what i'm guessing would not only stop current speed, but would also set acceleration to 0, stopping all horizontal movement.

i also went back to make sure all of my collision masks where exactly the same and that the centers of the sprites where in 1:1 alignment. I am seeing a significant drop in issues with being stuck in walls.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Indie Day 5 - Gravity Shmavity

wall jumpping is awesome.

so now i have all the basic platformer mechanics, save for enemies which will come later. i also need to make it so when the sprite changes do to movement that he doesn't get stuck in the wall. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.