

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Indie Day 60 - Feet Like Lightning.

an issue with working with sounds in this game is that it can be a little had to show my exact issues here, however i will try my best.

this code in the step function

if (speed==maxspeed){
if !audio_is_playing(walk_sound)
audio_play_sound(walk_sound, 1, false);

is what should be playing the sound effect when the character walks, and it does, but way, way too rapidly, like a machine gun.

i tried making the sound file 5 seconds long, but it still only plays the firs 0.1, 0.2 seconds in rapid succession.


I've elected to focus on the sound file itself, maybe by putting it into a different format or something i can change the results.

i'm getting results.

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