

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Indie Day 71 - Learning Experience

i learned so much stuff working on this game with my buddies.

like the importance of variables in code, that you can't just leave a system to work with constants, that have variables will increase an objects versatility.

like the importance of scope.

our original objectives were ridiculous and practically un-achievable for our skill level.

a youtube channel, extra credits, does a fantastic summary in three videos of what we should have done.

we could have done a lot better working on refining the core gameplay, instead of just making the sprites look good.

a polished turd is still a turd.

now don't get me wrong here i don't think our game is a turd, i'm incredibly proud of what we accomplished, i just think that if i knew then what i know know about planning we as a team could have accomplished more.

if instead of focusing on just adding features into the game, and instead focused immediatly on building a strong core, we could have had something great to work off of.

however, now i know.

now i know about what i have to do for the next game.

and it will be marvelous.


i also learned the basics of gml coding, and while it isn't a universal form like html or c++ or anything fancy like that, i'm a fan. it's simple, it does what i need it to do, all in all it's a good tool.


working on this project i feel far more confident in future endeavors not necessarily related to programming, because of the teamwork i lead. we had some rough patches, and when we ran out of ideas we as a group didn't know what to do (we should have refined what we had). but all things considered we worked well together.

i feel better suited to take on a leadership role in the future.

if i had to fix one thing it would be that i sat next to my entire team. cause right now i'm not sitting next to david, so it's hard to communicate with him without leaving my work space, it would also help remove distractions.


can't wait to work on my next game in my spare time.


oh hey i should probably link to the download for this game.

and just a reminder that justin and david were a big help for this project.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Indie Day 70 - I'm Pretty Glad I Already Dealt With a Similar Issue

okay so i fixed the thing by creating a global variable in the first room called slimebosslives.

then in the slime boss's step event i put this;

if (hp<1){

so that when the boss dies, the variable goes to 0.

and then, when the room starts the boss will read the variable, and then destroy itself if it's 0.

if (slimebosslives==0)

nice and simple stuff.

Indie Day 69 - Yep

 so i noticed that when you move back intro the boss room, the boss has respawned, and that's not good.

i need to fix it, i'll probably fix it the same way i did the sword pickups.



this is an issue.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Indie Day 68 - Tickatackatickatackatickatacka

I don't know what has to be done for the game, so i'm just going to do something new this class, time how long it takes, and post the download.

ready? go.


whoops firedrill.


aight, final time 7 minutes, 6.276 seconds.

here's the thing.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Indie Day 67 - Hey Check Out my Hoodie

i like it.

oh, i also finished the boss thing.

he moves at a rate of 2pxls per frame, and i made it so that it's impossible to move past it due to an invisible wall that follows it.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Indie Day 65 - I Finished Sammy

i like im'

but anyhow this is a good proof of concept on how the pre-established npc code can be applied to other npcs.

i used the same npc code as the signpost.

the same codes, with different variables.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Friday, January 16, 2015

Indie Day 63 - New NPC

i call him sam.

and so using the npc code i developed for the signposts, making this a character should be easy.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Indie Day 62 - Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Time is Running Thin

there's a lot of empty space in the room that Lillim goes.

iunno if we'll have enough time to populate it, but we'll see.

we'll have to all be super focused to get things done here.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Indie Day 61 - Almost There, We Almost Have a Complete level Finished

all the mechanics we need are here, we just need to make more assets as we need them, most of the coding is done.
we're almost there.
i drew a house;

i made some sounds,

and i might make a level theme.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Indie Day 60 - Feet Like Lightning.

an issue with working with sounds in this game is that it can be a little had to show my exact issues here, however i will try my best.

this code in the step function

if (speed==maxspeed){
if !audio_is_playing(walk_sound)
audio_play_sound(walk_sound, 1, false);

is what should be playing the sound effect when the character walks, and it does, but way, way too rapidly, like a machine gun.

i tried making the sound file 5 seconds long, but it still only plays the firs 0.1, 0.2 seconds in rapid succession.


I've elected to focus on the sound file itself, maybe by putting it into a different format or something i can change the results.

i'm getting results.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Indie Day 59 - I Know What's Missing From the Game

it's sound.
the game feels empty without sound.

made a bunch of sounds.
i put them on the corresponding, things.
you know like when you get hit you hear the hit sound fx.
i tried to make them all sound good, but they'll prolly need revisions.
it's all very hum drum.
didn't learn much other than making basic sounds may not be hard, but they are tedious.
and making good sounds is hard AND tedious.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Indie Day 56 - Making a House

awwww yea.

now i have to refill with the proper colour scheme, and some more detail, and shade.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Indie Day 55 - Back From Break and Guess What, Sprint works Like a Dream.

With a couple of changes to the movement codes, included changing the ideal movement speed to a variable, maxspeed (8 when walking, 12 or so when running), sprint now works.

stamina will also regenerate when not in use.